Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Context for the Indonesia data, and small mistake in assignment 1

The data that you have for assignment 1 comes from the Indonesia Family life Survey (IFLS). The context of the data analysis is the following question:
If you were husband and wife and had a strong preference for sons, what would be possible observable patterns in your fertility behavior?
a) If you had a son, maybe you would wait longer to have another child
b) If you had a daughter, maybe you would hurry to have another child

a) If you had a son, maybe you would not have any further children (holding all the previous children you had constant)
b) If you had a daughter, maybe you would decide to have another child, and hope it was a son

So some of the implications of this "optimal fertility" behavior with son preference would be that the intervals to next children would depend on the gender of the previous child, the size of a family would be larger if a child was a girl, the last (youngest) child in a family would be more likely to be a son.

I noticed that I had a typo in the problem set- in the top I say decadeborn70 should be for decades 50,60,70 and the in the bottom part I wrote
decade born = 1 if 70,80 or 90

Since you are doing the data analysis, you can code it however you like, but make a note on your coding which decades are 0 and which are 1 in the new variable you create.

My apologies for any confusion.

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